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Die Keywords die am meisten fur Suchmaschinen herausstechen haben eine hohe Sichtbarkeit (>70). Natürlich auch als zusammengesetztes Keyword. Die Sichtbarkeitslücke zwischen Platz 1 und 2 zu Platz 3 sollte möglichst groß sein (>40) um auf ein eindeutiges Keyword Signal an die Suchmaschine zu senden.

#    Keyword    Häufigkeit Vorkommen Dichte (WDF) Sichtbarkeit
1 waldkirch   6      Title Tag, Meta Desc, H1, Body Tag 0.42% 59
2 fahrradverleih 2 Title Tag, H1, Body Tag 0.24% 42




Wichtige Hinweise im Hinblick auf Rekuperation:

Da ein Direktläufer keinen Freilauf hat, rekuperiert der Motor zwangsweise oberhalb seiner technisch möglichen Maximaldrehzahl (bei offenem Controller und ohne Last) beim Bergabrollen (Zwangsrekuperation). Diese Maximaldrehzahl ist abhängig von der Ausführung der Wicklung Ihres Motors und der gerade anliegenden Akkuspannung. Je höher die Akkuspannung, desto höher ist also die Maximaldrehzahl überhalb der erst die Zwangsreku einsetzt, weshalb Motoren ohne Freilauf möglichst mit 48 V (oder höher) Akkus betrieben werden sollten! Und die Maximaldrehzahl wird bei gleicher Wicklung mit kleineren Felgen früher erreicht als in größeren. Wenn man diese Maximaldrehzahl bergab rollend überschreitet, wird der Motor systembedingt zum Generator. Dabei können sowohl Rekuspannung als auch Rekustrom schnell die technischen Spezifikationen Ihres Akkus überschreiten. Überspannung und Überstrom können zu einer Zerstörung Ihres Akkus führen und auch den Motor überhitzen. Besonders gefährlich für den Akku sind diese Rekuströme im Winter, wenn der Akku unter ca. 10 Grad kalt ist. Vermeiden Sie bei diesen Temperaturen unbedingt nicht nur die (passive) Zwangsrekuperation durch zu schnelles Bergabrollen, sondern auch die (aktive) Bremsrekuperation durch aktives Auslösen der Bremsrekuperation (falls vom Controller unterstützt) mittels eines Schalters, Gasgriffs oder ähnliches.


Table of Contents

2. HOW TO ENTER A PARTICULAR CODE............................3
3. EPS1 – CONFIGURATION MENU (3771)..........................4
7. EPS2 – DIAGNOSTIC MODE (3772).............................6
8. EPS9 – REMAINING TIME & DISTANCE (3779)...................7
9. IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT SPEED LIMIT........................8
10. HOW TO CONTACT BIONX TEAM................................8

1. Document contents and firmware requirements

This document contains procedures and information that gives access to all
configurable parameters and hidden options of the BionX system. It is intended to the bike shop and BionX installation


This paper covers the console firmware revision #12 and higher. All the previous firmware revisions do not include all the

functions mentioned in this document and/or the menu structure can be different.

If you own a system with older firmware, we recommend you to call EPS to get assistance as needed. However, it is also

possible to upgrade the firmware on all BionX systems. (It is important to remember that the system performance is the

same regardless of the firmware versions.)

2. How to enter a particular code

All following sections of this document use 4 digit codes. Whatever the user wants to access the configuration menu

(3771), diagnostic screen (3772) or remaining variables (3779) the same method must be used:

1. Turn the system ON.

2. Hold down both ‘CHRONO’ and ‘MODE’ buttons at the same time until the
screen change to four zero (It takes about 2 seconds)

3. Using ‘A’ to increase the digit value and ‘G’ to decrease value, enter the first digit.

4. Push ‘MODE’ once to advance to the next digit.

5. Repeat step #3 and #4 for all remaining digits.
* If an invalid code is entered, the display will simply return to the normal display layout.

3. EPS1 – Configuration menu (3771)

The EPS1 menu gives access to the following parameters:

• Program the rear wheel circumference. (Millimetres)
• Select between imperial (mph) or metric (km/h) units.
• Configure the speed limit value and enabled/disabled status.
• Program the brake (regenerative) strength value.
• And finally view the console firmware version. (Nothing to configure here)

Here are the steps to navigate through EPS1 menu:

1. Enter the EPS1 code (3771) by following section #2 instructions.

2. If the 3771 code is correctly entered, you will see four digits that represent the actual wheel circumference in

millimetres. If the user wants to keep the old circumference value, the same digits must overwrite the old ones. If a new

wheel circumference has to be programmed, enter the new value. Use the following table to convert wheel diameters in

inches to circumference in mm.


Wheel diameter

Corresponding circumference (mm)

18'' = 1436 ; 20'' = 1596 22'' = 1756 24'' = 1915
26'' = 2075 27'' = 2156 700mm = 2199 28’’ = 2234

mm = 79.8 * Diameter

3. The next configuration screen is the unit configuration. Either ‘A’ or ‘G’ can be pushed to switch from imperial to

• will select metric unit (kilometres)
• will configure the bike to imperial system (miles)

Push ‘MODE’ button when done to advance to the next configuration screen.

4. The third screen is used to configure the speed limit.

• Two parameters can be configured regarding the speed limit process:
Activation or not of the function and the limit level in km/h.
i. Pushing the chrono button will switch between the two
ii. Use ‘A’ and ‘G’ to configure the speed threshold value or the
function state (0=no speed limit, 1=speed limit enabled)

Push ‘MODE’ button when done to advance to the next configuration screen.

5. The fourth menu is used to configure the braking generation level when the rear brake is applied. Use ‘A’ and ‘G’ to

set the desired value. The configurable range is from 5 to 64. 64 will generate maximum breaking power while choosing a

lower value will produce less regeneration breaking.

Push ‘MODE’ button when done to advance to the next configuration screen.

6. The final EPS1 screen shows the console firmware version. Nothing can be configured here. The image below shows

firmware rev#12.

7. EPS2 – Diagnostic mode (3772)

Follow second section instructions to enter the EPS2 code. Screen will switch to a special ‘diagnostic’ mode where it is

possible to monitor some important signals:

• Strain gage sensor value: (Cyclist effort sensor) when the cyclist push on the pedals, this signal will raise

proportionally to the force applied.
• Battery voltage: Indicate the NIMH battery voltage in volt.
• Monitor the motor command: While the bike is operated, the assistance or generation level will appear on the two upper-

left digits. Again, the values range if 0-64.

There is two ways to exit the special diagnostic display mode:

• Simply turn the system off. Next power ON will display normal layout.
• Re-enter the 3772 code will toggle display to normal layout.

8. EPS9 – Remaining time & Distance (3779)

BionX development team is always improving the product reliability and
performance. One of the latest add-in on the system firmware is the possibility to be informed about the remaining time

and distance at any time, based on the last 10-20 seconds of bike utilisation history. This function being relatively new

and presently under beta testing phase, is not available by default on a brand new system. However, BionX gives the

possibility to access this feature for the users who wants to experience it.

Once again firmware revision #12 and more are a requirement to access the new variables. By entering a special unlock

code, the users will have access to two more display variables:

• Remaining time:
As the user cycle to all different variables by pushing ‘chrono’ button, the prefix ‘Tr’ will appear. Tr stand for ‘Time

Remaining’ (or Temps Restant in French). The unit is in hour with tenth of hour precision. The following example shows a

remaining time of 4 hour 30 minutes.

• Remaining distance:
The variable name prefix is ‘dr’ (distance remaining, or distance
restante in french) and the value are in kilometres (or in miles if console
configured to imperial units). The following examples show a remaining
distance of 168 kilometres.

The procedure to unlock the feature is simply to enter the EPS9 code (3779) as mentioned into the second section of this

document. The function becomes instantly accessible. Recycling the power is recommended after enabling the function. If

the user wants to disable the function, it can be toggled ON and OFF by entering the same code again.

Since both variables require microcontroller processing time and multiples
operations, under certain conditions, one or both variable cannot be predicted. Per example, if the bike is stopped and

the speed is null, remaining distance cannot be processed. Another case could be if the user use the regenerating brake

for more than a few seconds, the remaining time would be infinite. In those particular cases, the value of either variable

is replaced by three dash character (---). The picture below display an incalculable remaining distance:

9. Important notice about speed limit

Almost all BionX kits that have been released today are running firmware #12 and later. Regardless of the country, the

laws are very strict regarding any electric bicycle speed limitation. Even if this guide give the user the possibility to

configure or even remove the speed limit algorithm, EPS will not be responsible for any accidents or wounds that could

results of an improper or non legal speed limit configuration.

All the bicycle kits sold from EPS are already configured to offer the maximum legal permissible speed for each

corresponding countries. The limits are the following:

- America: 32 km/h or 20 mph
- Europe: 25 km/hr or 15.5 mph

All future firmware releases from EPS will avoid the user to play with the speed limit parameters.



To enter the access section you push on MODE and CHRONO in same time.

2001: KM or Miles
2002: Generative Breaking
2003: Time last with the battery
2004: Clock
2005: Wheel size
2006: Programming brake sensor
2007: Polarity throttle (0-5volt or 5-0volt)

3771: wheel size
3772: diagnostic mode
3773: max speed
3775: throttle max speed
3776: Speed that motor will start
5000: Full reset
1976: motor direction
1234: sensor speed signal; 1= slow 5= fast
1970: Configuration activation backlight ad DCDC automatic
0007: Sensor signal gain, 0.1 to 4.0
0008: Configuration of extra assistance 1.0 to 4.0
0041: activation of the I2C

Error Code

Diese Einstellungen habe ich teilweise bei mir übernommen (siehe oben):

My own personal settings. After I do a full reset, menu code 5000, I follow this list to set my PL350 back to my personal

preferences. This is the way I like mine to be. I don't want the system to hold back, I like it to give full power at all

speeds. My reasoning is simple: If you don't like the thumb throttle, don't use it; if you think assist 4 is too much,

then lower it. You decide.

I use a PL350 ( 350W motor with 36V Li-Ion battery) on a mountain bike with 26" wheels. My firmware is Rev:2.3

Initial Setup

Turn on system
Press Mode and -G for 2 seconds
During countdown, press throttle lever all the way down
Once throttle reaches 0 , release throttle
Turn off system

Choose PIN
Press and hold +A and -G for 2 seconds
Using +A and -G keys, choose digits
Press Mode to select digit and move to next digit

Configure menus
Press and hold Mode and Chrono buttons for 2 seconds to get into menu system.
Use +A and -G to set each digit and press Mode to go to next digit
Use +A and -G to select options for each menu
Some menus have extra options which can be selected with Chrono button
Press Mode button to save changes and exit programming menu
0007 : Set to 3.0
0008 : Set "A" to 4.0, Set "B" to 1.0
1234 : Sensor speed signal , set to 4
1970 : Configuration backlight. Set to OFF
1976 : Motor direction. Set to 1 (forward)
2001 : Set to km/h
2002 : Generative braking, set to max (64)
2003 : Activate battery remain display (toggle)
2004 : Set the clock to current time
2005 : Set wheel size to 2075
2006 : Brake sensor, set to ON
2007 : Polarity throttle, set to 0
3771 : Set wheel size to 2075
3773 : Max speed (assist), set to OFF
3774 : PR ? set to ON
3775 : Max speed (throttle) , set to OFF
3776 : Speed motor will start, set to OFF
3779 : Time and Distance remaining display, activate if not active already.

Useful settings

Menu code 5000 to reset console
Menu code 3772 to set console to diagnostic mode
Menu code 0041 to activate 12C. Unknown setting
Press and hold Mode for 5 cycles of backlight toggles to reset battery. Will beep rapidly when reset.
Hold Mode button 2 seconds for backlight
Press Chrono and +A or -G to set display contrast
Press Chrono to select display type. Hold Chrono 2 seconds to reset data
Press and hold Mode and +A to arm alarm

Hope this helps, if you find any paticular settings are better with different values on your own system, please share with

the rest of us.


Edit: Revised values for setting 0007 and 0008. I've found that 1.0 for menu 0007 is too low and the controller often

doesn't detect the cyclist pedaling. Setting to 3.0 will allow the controller to detect the cyclist earlier and be more

sensitive to changes in cyclist torque output.

Diagnostic mode (menu 3772) allowed me to find that the "B" option on menu 0008 is best to be set to 1.0 rather than 25.0.

I think this is the speed where the extra assistance kicks in. If this is the case, it's probably better to have it kick

in at a lower speed since you're not likely to be climbing a steep hill at 25 km/h. I also noticed the assist power (upper

left digits in diagnostic mode) were higher with the 1.0 value and seemed to climb faster from a complete stop.